Social Justice Panel
Nuts and Bolts:
Strategies & Tools for Organizing in North Carolina
Friday, January 26, 2018, 12:00-2:00, Tate-Turner-Kuralt, Auditorium | Flyer
Can’t make it in person? Click here for directions to live stream
sponsored by the Jordan Institute for Families
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work
Learn different tactics to advocate for social change from a panel of NC organizers and activists.
(Certificate for 2 contact hours available) – buffet lunch by Vimala’s CurryBlossom Cafe

Alexa Broderick (the Equity Paradigm) – Alexa is a racial equity blogger, speaker, consultant, and facilitator of challenging discussions and workshops. Her organization, The Equity Paradigm, aims to empower and equip mission-driven individuals and organizations with the skills and mindsets to catalyze meaningful and lasting social change in their communities through the adoption, application and prioritization of a racial equity lens.

Nathan Hollister (Mutual Aid Communities) – Nathan is a Unitarian Universalist minister and has been a community organizer for twenty years. His primary focus is as a social transformation trainer, working with people nationwide to increase their social justice impact and effectiveness. From Carrboro, Nathan leads Mutual Aid Communities, which builds deliberate communities that practice interdependence, solidarity, and liberatory alternatives.

Deandrea N. Newsome (2020 StartsNOW) – Deandrea has spent most of her professional career working in the community and advocating for equality in North Carolina public policy. She currently works for Advance Carolina an organization that builds economic and political power within the Black Community. She is also the Co-Founder of 2020 StartsNOW, a voter education initiative and community forum for change. They are currently building a Voter Education Curriculum to increase voter turnout among young people. Twitter: @deandreanew

Damon Seils was elected to the Carrboro Board of Aldermen in 2013. He represents Carrboro as chair of the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization Board on the Chapel Hill Public Transit Committee and the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness. He is also the Board’s liaison to the town’s Transportation Advisory Board, Greenways Commission, and Safe Routes to School Implementation Committee. Alderman Seils is also a longtime leader in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community at Duke University, where he has worked with students, employees, graduates, and administrators to promote equity and inclusion for gender and sexual minority communities.
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