Shame with Kate Thieda
Hidden No More: Moving from Shame to Whole-Hearted Living presented by Kate Thieda, MS, LPC, NCC | Full size slides |Printable Handouts: formated as 6 per page oras 3 per slides with note space
Monday, February 22, 2016, 12-2 pm, at the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Auditorium of the UNC School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC (rescheduled due to January snow)
When: Monday, January 25, 2016, 12-2 pm, with a catered meet-and-greet reception beginning at 11:00 am by Vimala’s CurryBlossom Café
Where: UNC School of Social Work Auditorium, 325 Pittsboro Street, Chapel Hill, NC Directions and parking
CEUs: 2 hours
Registration: online pre-registration will open in August, 2015. You may pre-register up until the day prior to the program.
Description: Shame is an intensely painful human emotion, often associated with the belief that one is flawed and therefore unworthy of connection and belonging. When people experience shame, it is common to try to escape, avoid, or deny the emotion, or to pathologize the experience with thoughts that one is defective and alone. Shame is associated with addiction, violence, depression, and co-occurring mental health disorders. According to Brené Brown, author of shame resilience theory and its evidence-based curriculum, The Daring Way, shame is a silent epidemic: the more we keep it secret, the firmer its hold on us.
This workshop work explores how shame shows up in our own lives and the lives of our clients, affects how we live, and contributes to a society that is the “most obese, medicated, addicted, and in debt ever” (Brown, 2010).
Kate Thieda will draw from Brown’s work to help participants gain a deeper understanding of how to guide clients away from lives that are dictated by shame and towards greater empathy, self-compassion and wholehearted living. Participants will learn strategies to help heal wounds of shame and develop skills to identify and deflect shaming messages from families, workplaces, communities, and culture. This includes “shame resilience” tools to help recognize and accept personal vulnerability, cultivate empathy, discuss and deconstruct shame, and distinguish shame from guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, and other emotions that may arise.
Trainer: Kate Thieda, MS, LPC, NCC is a graduate of UNC-Greensboro’s Masters in counseling program, and specializes in treating adults with depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Kate is intensively trained in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and is a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator – Candidate. Her private practice is in Durham, North Carolina. In addition to her therapy practice, Kate is also a book author and blogger. Loving Someone with Anxiety (New Harbinger Publications, 2013) is a practical guide offering insight and day-to-day skills for partners of people suffering from anxiety. Her blog, Partnering in Mental Health: Loving Someone with Mental Illness, is on Kate has also been published on, in Counseling Today, and in the North Carolina Psychological Association’s newsletter.
Handouts: All handouts for the event will be posted on the top of this event’s page.
Register Here
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this program, participants will be able to
1. Explain what shame is, and how it differs from guilt, embarrassment, and humiliation.
2. Recognize how shame presents in various mental health disorders.
3. Describe at least 3 principles of shame resilience, and how they can be applied clinically in mental health treatment.
Transportation/ Directions: The most reliable place to park is in the UNC Hospital lot on Manning Drive. Parking fee is $1.50/ hour. The Carolina Inn next door on Pittsboro has space-available pay parking for a flat fee of $10/day. There are also numerous “park & ride” locations in Chapel Hill, with bus service to (or near) the School of Social Work. Directions.
Payment and refund policies: No refunds. You may transfer your place to a colleague. Please contact Deborah Barrett, Ph.D., LCSW at or (919) 843-5818 to make arrangements, or if you have any other questions.
Information on Continuing Educational Credit:
Contact hours provided for LCSWs and LMFTs 2 hours
The UNC School of Social Work is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEPTM) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program. 2 Contact Hours.
The program is co-sponsored by the North Carolina Psychological Association and the UNC School of Social Work. The North Carolina Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The North Carolina Psychological Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content. This program is offered for 2 hours of category A continuing education credit.
Attendance Policy: – To receive credit, you must be present for the entire session, and you must sign the sign-in and sign-out sheets (for psychologists). No partial credit will be given. No credit will be given to participants who are more than 15 minutes late at the beginning of any session. No credit will be given to participants who leave before the close of a session.
Additional questions? Contact Deborah Barrett, PhD, LCSW at or 919-843-5818