Chronic Pain and Substance Use with David Marks, MD
Assessing and Treating Chronic Pain in Clients At-Risk for Substance Use Disorders
Monday, April 21, 2014 ||SLIDES || Printable Handouts || resources
This workshop addresses the complexity of working with individuals with chronic pain, who may also be at risk of substance use disorders (SUD). Traditional addiction treatment emphasizes abstinence, which is less appropriate when individuals also suffer from chronic pain. In this workshop, David Marks will provide an overview of the comorbidity of chronic pain and substance abuse and clarify the issues involved in effective treatment and associated risks. Drawing from his vast experience as both researcher and practitioner, Dr. Marks will identify the factors that are relevant when assessing for the risks of substance use by people with chronic pain. He will also describe strategies to collaborate with clients to manage these risks and to enhance the treatment of chronic pain with non-pharmacological approaches.
Bio: David Marks, MD is has a joint appointment as assistant professor and attending faculty physician with Duke’s University Medical Center, Clinical Research Institute, and Pain and Palliative Care Center. Previously he as Medical Director of Inpatient and Emergency Psychiatric Services Duke Medical Center. He has published extensively on chronic pain, and the effects of pharmaceuticals on mental health and well-being.