BPD w/ Marilyn Ghezzi
Borderline Personality Disorder in Context and Across Theraputic Approaches
February 17, 2017 at the Tate-Turner-Kuralt Auditorium of the UNC School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC || SLIDES|| printable handouts: 3 slides per page with notes || 6 slides per page || Reference list || Chain analysis example || Case from Gabbard||Role Play
When: February 17, 2017 from 8:30 to 4:30 with 1 hour catered lunch and 2 fifteen minute breaks
Where: UNC School of Social Work Auditorium, 325 Pittsboro Street, Chapel Hill, NC Directions and parking
Continuing Education: 6 hours
Fees: General Admission: $160; SSW disount: $110
*Early Bird discount available before January 17th: General $110; SSW discount: $60
**SSW Discount available for current UNC-CH School of Social Work students, faculty, field instructors, and task supervisors.
This daylong session will focus on practical issues in the treatment of clients with borderline personality disorder. DBT has become a well known evidence-based practice for working with people with borderline personality disorder. However it is only one of multiple approaches for working with this population. Recent research has highlighted the commonalities in treatment approaches for this disorder across various theoretical frameworks, including CBT, DBT, psychodynamic, and good psychiatric management (GPM). This workshop will discuss the unique contributions and commonalities across seemingly divergent approaches, as well as how to address trauma issues as part of any treatment approach.
A few highlights of the workshop include learning about:
- Similarities between DBT and non-DBT cognitive behavioral approaches to working with borderline personality disorder;
- How psychodynamic theorists historically understood the disorder, and modern psychodynamic approaches, such as mentalization-based therapy and transference-focused psychotherapy; and
- A synthesized approach pioneered by John Gunderson to work well in settings where DBT is not practical–Good Psychiatric Management (GPM),
Case examples will be used to illustrate key concepts.
Marilyn Ghezzi, MSW, LCSW is a Clinical Assistant Professor at UNC -Chapel Hill School of Social Work and teaches numerous courses on mental health theory and practice, including differential diagnosis, dialectical behavior therapy, brief treatment and social work with groups. Prior to joining the UNC faculty, she worked as a clinical social worker in the public mental health system for 24 years. Marilyn continues to practice as a clinical social worker including providing clinical supervision to mental health professionals.
- 8:30-9:00 – Registration, sign-in, coffee
- 9:00- 10:15 – Overview of the diagnosis
- 10:15 – 10:30 – break
- 10:30 – 12:30 – Review of various approaches to treatment
- 12:30-1:30 – lunch by Vimala’s CurryBlossom Cafe
- 1:30 – 3:00 – Review of treatment approaches cont.
- 3:00 – 3:15– break
- 3:15 – 4:30- Discussion of cases and role play
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:
- Understand the psychodynamic, trauma treatment, cognitive-behavioral, and dialectical behavioral explanations of this disorder;
- Explain the importance of the therapeutic alliance and understand how to solidify their alliance with borderline personality disorder clients;
- Identify ways to avoid becoming embroiled in power struggles with borderline personality disorder clients;
- Understand how to address trauma issues as part of any treatment approach;
- Identify similarities among various theoretical approaches and incorporate them into their current treatment approach.
Handouts: All handouts for the lecture are posted on the top of this event’s page.
Transportation/ Directions: The most reliable place to park is in the UNC Hospital lot on Manning Drive. Parking fee is $1.50/ hour. The Carolina Inn next door on Pittsboro has space-available pay parking for a flat fee of $10/day. There are also numerous “park & ride” locations in Chapel Hill, with bus service to (or near) the School of Social Work. Directions.
How to access UNC wireless: Information for connecting to wireless at UNC
Information on Continuing Educational Credit:
Contact hours provided for LCSWs and LMFTs 6 hours
CEU: 6 Contact Hours per event
6 Contact Hours from UNC Chapel Hill School of Social Work.
6 Contact Hours NBCC (provider #6642) The UNC School of Social Work is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEPTM) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program.
Each clinical lecture is co-sponsored by the North Carolina Psychological Association and the UNC School of Social Work. The North Carolina Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The North Carolina Psychological Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Each workshop is offered for 6 Hours of continuing education credit.
No partial credit will be given. Participants must attend the entire program in order to receive credit.
ADA Statement: If you require any of the auxiliary aids or services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to participate in this program, please call us at 919-962-6540 no later than ten business days before the program.
Attendance Policy: – To receive credit, you must be present for the entire session, and you must sign the sign-in and sign-out sheets (for psychologists). No partial credit will be given. No credit will be given to participants who are more than 15 minutes late at the beginning of any session. No credit will be given to participants who leave before the close of a session.
Payment and refund policies A refund of 60% of the paid registration fee will be available when cancellation request is received at least 48 hours prior to the program date. You may send a substitute in your place.
Additional Questions- Contact Deborah Barrett, PhD, LCSW at dbarrett@unc.edu / 919-843-5818 or Carol Ann Hincy at chincy@email.unc.edu / 919-962-6540.
Register Here
ONYEN LOG IN is ONLY for UNC-CH SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK current students, staff and faculty.
CAROL ANN HINCY 919-962-6540 or chincy@email.unc.edu