Obligatory Ethics: A Humanistic Approach to Ethical Exploration w/Jason Yates, LCSW, LACS, CCS
Winston-Salem Clinical Lecture Series @ Northwest Area Health Education Center, Deacon Tower Learning Center 475 Deacon Blvd., Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Google Map
Date: February 13, 2019, Wednesday, 10 am – 12 pm
Ethics trainings are a requisite for licensure and license renewal. They are often predictable and emphasize regulatory and statutory prerogatives rather than a genuine expression of clinical values. We will utilize this time to explore the disconnect between our professional mission as clinicians and popular interpretations of codified regulations. We will also critically examine the ways professional ethics have evolved due to the professional friction created in a field characterized by increasing specialization. NOTE: This program may be counted towards ethics requirements for license renewal.
Presenter Bio:
Jason Yates is Clinical Director at Caring Services, Inc., a non-profit 108-bed transitional housing program in High Point, for individuals with substance use disorders. Jason obtained his BSW from UNC Greensboro (UNCG) in 2006 and returned to the Joint Master of Social Work program at UNCG, graduating with his MSW in 2009. He is licensed as a Clinical Social Work (LCSW), a Clinical Addiction Specialist (LCAS), and a Clinical Supervisor (CCS). He has been a practicing clinician in the substance use field for over 20 years. Jason has taught Human Services courses at Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) and teaches Social Work as an adjunct at UNCG.
Participants completing this event will be able to:
1. Recognize the ways in which typical definitions of ethics work, and don’t work, for the therapeutic alliance.
2. Identify limitations of codifying barriers (“boundaries”) in human relationships.
3. Explore and enumerate ways in which current ethical interpretations serve guilds more than clients/ consumers or practitioners.
4. Expand the ways in which we think critically about forces which influence human service practice.