Inclusivity in Academia
Creating a University that works for ALL:
Navigating turbulence in an academic setting
with Dr. Shariff Abdullah
sponsored by the Jordan Institute for Families
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work
Friday, March 9, 2018, 12:20pm to 2:00pm in Auditorium (no food allowed)
— Lunch for participants from 11:45am – 12:15pm
We’re all invited to learn about and engage in a process that highlights inclusivity in a time of divisiveness.
Please RSVP here (help us plan location, catering, and format for speaker)
The unrest and division that plays out in nationally is also at work within the academic setting. This short session will offer some suggestions and experiences for healing division, from a variety of global experiences. With enough participants, we will engage in a dialogic process that has brought actual and potential adversaries into community with each other.
Shariff Abdullah, J.D., is a consultant, speaker, author and advocate for societal transformation, working on his mission is to bring currently dysfunctional systems and structures into alignment with our common human and spiritual values, to create a world that works for all living things. He consults with people and organizations on the leading edge of change, including government agencies, businesses and social service organizations.
Raised in Camden, New Jersey, Dr. Abdullah helped create the Black People’s Unity Movement and worked with the Black Panther Party, creating programs and engaging in activism. With a Bachelors degree in psychology and a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree, Dr. Abdullah was recognized for his first of several national awards for his law practice in North Carolina that emphasized innovative self help and community empowerment.
Now based out of Portland, Oregon, he is the Director of the Commonway Institute, and has had the opportunity to work in more than 43 countries, and 100 distinct cultures, giving him a unique perspective on our global human and spiritual issues, and a vision which spans culture and class. He has proven experience in working with all peoples and in many different situations, bringing harmony in conditions of actual or potential conflict and discord.
His books on leadership and societal change include the award-winning Creating a World That Works for All, and Seven Seeds for a New Society.
View his TEDxTalk to provide a shared basis to begin conversation.