Using CBT to Treat Symptoms of Psychosis with David Penn, PhD
In this presentation, Dr. Penn describes how to use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help clients reduce stress and build skills to deal with difficulties of living with psychotic disorders. This includes ways to treat “positive symptoms” by combating auditory hallucinations and addressing distorted beliefs as well as “negative symptoms” by building self esteem and self efficacy. Dr. Penn also discusses how CBT can be used to help individuals identify and cope with triggers for psychosis. He will also discuss research in this area. Throughout, Dr. Penn draws on his extensive work as a clinician and researcher.
David Penn, a clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychology, shares his time between the departments of psychology and psychiatry at UNC Chapel Hill, where he is an active teacher, clinician, mentor, and researcher. Dr. Penn’s focus is the treatment of psychotic disorders. At the Schizophrenia Treatment and Evaluation Program (STEP) in the department of psychiatry, Dr. Penn trains psychiatric residents and graduate interns from a variety of disciplines in cases involving individual, family, and group modalities. He has also developed extensive research projects on psychosocial treatments for individuals with schizophrenia, social cognition and schizophrenia, and methods for reducing stigma toward individuals with these conditions. Among his current work is an investigation of group CBT for medication-resistant auditory hallucinations, CBT for first episode psychosis, and social cognition and interaction training.