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Description: This session will focus on the ethical issues related to boundary crossings and violations in our work. The reasons why these occur will be explored and how to address them with teams, mentors, supervisors, and other resources will be discussed. The role of self- assessment and self-awareness will be considered along with the need for self-care in doing this work well and professionally. NOTE: This program may be counted towards ethics requirements for license renewal.


Trainer: Risa Hanau has worked with hospice since 1993 and with Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro (HPCG) since 2004. With HPCG she has had many roles and currently serves as the Palliative Care Team Social Worker and Clinical Educator. She is a seasoned presenter and teacher in the area of end-of-life and ethics. By training Risa is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who holds a Master’s of Social Work from the University of Pennsylvania.



Learning Objectives: Participants completing this event will be able to:

  1. Articulate an understanding of boundaries in the helping professions and how to identify crossings and violations.
  2. Understand the role of self-assessment and self-awareness as it relates to professional practice and maintaining boundaries.
  3. Describe mechanisms to discuss, process, and manage boundaries to ensure ethical and successful practice.

Winston-Salem Clinical Lecture Series, a joint program of UNC School of Social Work and Northwest AHEC of Wake Forest School of Medicine

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