Participants will learn techniques based on the foundations of Person Centered practices that will assist them in planning with children, adolescents, and their families. Participants will be introduced to one page descriptions and discovery conversations and will learn to organize discovery into plans that reflect a balance between what is important ot and what is important for the person while describing the types of supports the person needs to be successful, happy, and safe.
Tanya M. Richmond, MSW, LCSW, has over 24 years of experience working as a licensed clinical social worker. She has expertise in direct practice with older adults; with children and their families; with people who are deaf or hearing impaired; with children and adults with developmental and cognitive disabilities; and with individuals who are in crisis due to rape. She has directed program coordination and evaluation in community service agencies, non-profits, for-profits, and community college settings. She has trained professionals in topics related to mental health, direct support across disability areas, and coaching and organizational development for over 17 years.
A Partner with Support Development Associates in Annapolis, Maryland, Tanya works with organizations who are implementing person centered practices. She also assists agencies to create and implement person centered policy. Tanya develops and prepares grants and contracts for SDA. She is a former Assistant Clinical Professor at the UNC Chapel Hill School of Social Work, and was the Jordan Institute’s Center for Aging Research and Educational Services (CARES) Program Coordinator. Tanya is a certified person centered thinking trainer and plan facilitator, a mentor for Person-centered Thinking trainer candidates, and is an officer on the board of directors for the international Learning Community for Person Centered Practices. Tanya is a Grove-certified graphic facilitator and graphic recorder and has created specialized hand-drawn large-scale graphics for over 75 events. Her specialized professional areas of interest are Geriatrics, Leadership and Coaching, Person Centered Practice, Children with Special Needs, Outcome Evaluation, LCSW Licensure training, Ethics, and Research Methods.
Tanya earned a BA in Psychology with a triple minor in Spanish, Anthropology, and Astronomy and a Master’s of Social Work (MSW) from Louisiana State University. She has been licensed to practice social work as a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) since the mid-1990’s. She currently lives in Greensboro, NC, where she also teaches tai chi and is an avid seamstress and gardener.
Person Centered Plan Development | Conversation book with family support | Conversations with Individuals | Information transfer examples ChecklistforISPlandevelopment | SKILLSReflectionFormCommunication | Chart 2-Tanner Paul Updated |Tanner Paul
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Social Work Clinical Lecture Series